Multipurpose infographic on intranet vs. digital workplace homepages

Calling all intranet managers.

DIfference between intranet and digital workplace home page. Richard Dennison.

(Text version at the bottom of this post.)

Richard Dennison has written a blog post that summarises nicely the differences between a home page for an intranet and for a digital workplace. Use it at work as a reminder, teaching tool and bomb.

It doesn't look like much. Indeed, he throws in a little self-mockery:

Knowing that no one reads blog posts anymore unless they are lists of no more than 10 items and include a big image … I offer you my illustrated-10-differences-between-an-intranet-and-digital-workplace-homepage-listicle-blog-post.

A neat and tidy, innocent-looking 10-point infograph with a brief comment on each point follows. 

For intranet managers, Richard's infograph is an obvious boon even if homepage redesign is still just a nagging synapse. 

But it's much more than that. 

  • Use it explain to your mystified CEO what you have been banging on about for years.
  • It's the handy teaching tool you need almost daily, when you need to train or re-educate or persuade staff or clients.
  • Comms staff should re-title the infograph and stick it on their wall.
  • It hints at the gulf between those who get it and those who don't.
  • It shows the scale of the work you have been doing and have still to do.

Oh, and Contented training for staff will back you up and spread the word.

Image: Richard Dennison

Text version of infographic

From intranet homepage to digital workplace homepage 

  1. FROM Company homepage TO My homepage
  2. FROM Majority of content static with small amount of fluid content 
    TO Majority of content fluid with small amount of static content
  3. FROM Driven by news TO Driven by enterprise social network
  4. FROM Single content owner TO Multiple content providers
  5. FROM Read TO do
  6. FROM Page owner = content editor TO Page owner = feed manager
  7. FROM Page owner controls page content TO User controls page content via feeds/search/filter
  8. FROM Designed for desktop TO Responsive design
  9. FROM Fixed design/structure TO Flexible design/structure
  10. FROM Flat content TO Layered content

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